Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Knowing your limits

I love baking, I really do, but there are times in life when you have to realise that circumstances are not favourable to spending a couple of afternoons indulging in sugar and icing and expressing yourself through the medium of cake. And, Easter weekend was one of those times for me.

Rewind 2 years, and I would have been going hell for leather to make sure that I fully achieved every task on my impossible list, along with a pile of arguments, panic attacks, hissy fits and plenty of tears along the way.

But that is why I got so ill.

With everything else I had to do (more on that later) I realised the cake was going to be too much so I decided to ask Anne if she could help me, and if not, I would just buy one. Happily she said yes, and it was AMAZING! Such a talented lady, all the cakes she creates are works of art, I showed her the photos on my previous post and voila!

Isn't she clever? We were all thrilled with them, and they tasted even better than they look!

The birthday girl was truly spoilt, and had such a fabulous time playing with her little friends and cousins, and the guys at the Ice Cream farm could not have been more helpful - they were great.
(To clarify, Anne works in the shop and kindly offered to fit baking and decorating the cake around her other plans over Easter)  

here she is wearing her mini rodini flower blouse, contemplating blowing out the candle!

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