Well, it's nearly April and I have never felt so cold! If this continues for much longer I am just going to wholeheartedly embrace it and get myseld an outfit something like this:
Do you think the hat would be a little OTT?
I have been trying to plan my daughter's 3rd birthday party. We have booked the Yorkshire Dales Ice Cream Farm, but I am seriously doubting that the snow will have melted by then. They do have an indoor covered play area, and maybe if the children are so excited and giddy from ice cream and party food they will run around and play and not feel the cold?
So anyway, positive hat on, I'm sure it will be fine. (That's the spirit!) So, I had better start thinking about the details. As it is an ice cream farm, well, the theme had better be ice cream! I have been having a little search around the internet and found these cute cake pops by Peggy Porschen in her new Boutique Baking Book image via sweet craftiness
and another version:
these look very easy to do, just brown paper and helium ballons. I think I would use the ballon sticks though as I get huge guilt about using helium during the current shortage. (It's essential for all sorts of medical equipment! Who knew?!)
And for the actual cake, how about this by and everything sweet
or my favourite from one charming party
I have easter Monday to make it all the treats if I am going to, so we shall see if I can get it done in time!